Wednesday, June 27, 2012

27 Weeks

Baby Boyd I feel you in there!  This kid likes to move around...I am feeling the baby a few times each hour now.  Along with that comes a sudden hit of Braxton-Hicks contractions all throughout the day.  They started a bit here and there last week, but this week I feel them several times a day.  It's crazy how tight my abdomen gets when this happens!  Wonder what Baby is thinking in there.  Another pregnancy symptom that I have found developing is overheating when I am getting ready.  Super hot shower, plus hot bathroom, plus bright and hot lights, plus hot hair tools, plus always moving quickly, PLUS pregnancy equals = Dizziness and light headedness.  When it happened the first time, I had to lay on the ground about every 2 minutes while getting ready.  (I wonder how ridiculous I looked.)  Now if it happens, I just take a 15 minute break and start again once my body temperature has gone down.  Really, it's nothing to complain about.  I am so fortunate that I have had the best time being pregnant so far!

Baby Boyd is about 2 pounds (like a cauliflower) and 14 1/2 inches long from head to toe. Baby is sleeping and waking at regular intervals, which explains the hourly movement.  Hiccups could be noticed now, but I don't think Baby has had any rhythms strong enough for Mommy to feel.  We had our glucose test on Wednesday morning.  3 hours of sitting in a waiting room was a bit uncomfortable, but we got it done.  We will get results soon (for gestational diabetes).  Funny thing: Almost every mother warned me about this orange juice concoction you have to drink (it is pure sugar water), about 10 ounces or so.  I was planning on plugging my nose to get through it, but after the first taste there was no fear.  That stuff was so good!  My dad called me a hummingbird...I really love my sugar.

Our friends the Maltbie's had their baby girl, Emery, Tuesday morning and we got to visit them that evening.  She is so unbelievably beautiful and I loved getting to hold her in my arms with a whole new perspective in mind.  It made Bryan and I that much more excited to meet our little bundle coming in September.  Emery is going to be a great play-date!  Also, our friends Josh and Karyss Bollen had their baby girl, Scarlett a couple days before in California.  Can't wait to meet her!  (Just a reminder, Karyss was the super gorgeous, super pregnant bridesmaid at my wedding 3 years ago.)  :)

Welcome Babies!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

26 Weeks

At 26 weeks, this baby is about 14 inches long weighing in at 1 2/3 pounds.  Baby Boyd's ears have developed tremendously.  Baby can hear all of us talking out here and has begun to recognize my voice the most.  I look forward to this creating a bond between the two of us.  One very exciting thing about this growth is the movement increase.  Baby Boyd likes to wiggle!  Each day, movement is increasing more and more...this makes Mommy very happy!  Still feeling great too!  There are a few moments here and there where I feel more pregnant than others (heat sensitive, back pain, sitting up).  Most of the time, the only reminders of pregnancy are my big belly and itty-bitty baby kicking.

We just got back from New Mexico and it was so much fun!  The best part was to see all of my family members.  They were all really excited to see my bump and it's always great to catch up and visit.  This baby has been forced to love green and red chile.  We ate sooo much of it while we were there!  Bryan's parents now have an idea of what our favorite restaurants are like.  While in Santa Fe, I got a "Mommy Massage".  Not your typical massage laying on my side with pillows surrounding me (due to belly enlargement).  It still felt awesome and was a great time to relax!

Funny Big Belly Story: I was laying out by my parents' pool today by myself and decided to lay on the raft.  (This is the only way I can lay on my stomach so the back of my body can get some sun too!)  I began to get on and failed on the first attempt due to this popping bump that my child resides in.  I pulled the raft back and fell off again.  By the way, Delilah was standing at the edge of the pool with a very concerned look on her face the entire time.  After a couple more tries and laughing at myself (out loud) I successfully made it on the raft.  Later on, when I came inside, Demi let me know that her and my Dad were watching the entire raft challenge from inside.  She mentioned that they even saw me laughing at myself.  Pregnancy=Balance issues.

Hope you can stay on your raft this week!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

25 Weeks

25 Weeks is starting to sound far along!  Baby Boyd is about 13.5 inches long, weighing about a pound and a half.   The baby is starting to gain some fat on its body to help give it its shape, along with hair color.  I think Baby has noticed the change in schedule and is showing its excitement for summer by moving around more!  We have been having great mornings with Bible time, running/walking/lifting, reading of baby books and casual summer reading, laying out by the pool, and whatever else pops up during the day.  It's been great to say "yes" to many more opportunities.  This week has been so glad there are many more.

We (The Boyd's and I) leave for Albuquerque today, so please pray for safe travels.  Excited to see family and friends and to eat, and eat...and eat some more.  This baby will themselves some green and red chile!

Baby’s progress: 25 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 9 lbs.  I only gained one pound the last four weeks!  Concerned, I asked my doctor if I am healthy, and she said I am still growing fine at this point.
Food cravings: Still nothing that I would consider a CRAVING (as in "Oh my gosh, I will knock you out of your chair for that").  I DID get to have my grilled cheese.  It was ultimately perfect: 3 kinds of cheeses on buttered grilled bread.  Horribly delicious for me. :)  I could eat a whole watermelon everyday.  
Feeling nauseous? No
Symptoms of pregnancy: My belly button is starting to stick out.  It doesn't look like it, but when you rub my belly you can feel the change happening.  Acne also has been keeping me company. 
Maternity clothes?: None.  Just a belly band with some pants that can't quite connect anymore.  
Mood: Summer...enough said!
Sleep: Sleeping great!
MovementMovement has exponentially been increasing everyday during different times of the day as well. Baby likes to hang out on my right side the most. 
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: Each day has brought a more relaxed state to myself!  Mom and I went out and about Tuesday for furniture scoping.  Wednesday night was also a blast at my friend Erin Wiley's (soon to be Elliot) Bachelorette Party.  Always a good time to dress up and hang with the ladies.  
Changes during the week?: Creating a new stress-free summer routine is something I am very thankful for.  (And I am still getting paid!)
Miss anything from life before baby?: Sodas (more often), wine, Splenda, and caffeine at the times I need it.
Looking forward to: Albuquerque!  It will be great to see everyone and eat all my favorite things.  Dion's...Sadie's...Green chile on everything...YES please!

Friday, June 8, 2012

24 Weeks

24 Weeks and all things are wonderful... It's the last day of school today at Challenger!  My Dad compares me to a little kid anxiously waiting for summer, counting down each minute on the clock, which is exactly how it is!  (Except I am a pregnant kid.)  Weird.  It has been a very challenging year for me to say the least.  I had to sacrifice many fun nights with friends (thank you all for not completely kicking me to the curb).  Bryan had to put up with teacher craziness and moods (thank you for continued support).  And I had to deal with 6 and 7-year-olds ALL DAY! :)  Those little stickers are the best.  Even the most difficult days were worth it to see them grow and mature into confident 2nd Graders.  They wrote me the sweetest notes in Computers the other day: "You are the best teacher", "You taught me the most ever", and "Hope your baby is good and big".   Maybe I really will miss them and all their funny perspectives as humans under 4 feet tall.  Room 210 and my 17 students: Thank YOU for a great year.

Baby Boyd seems to be doing great!  Not too many changes since last week.  An older gentleman at Starbucks the other day came up to me and said, "Yanno, you come in here every week and I never noticed you were pregnant.  When you turned to the side I thought, "Woah!  That girl's having a baby!""  I sure am!  Let's hope that only my tummy continues to grow.  No need for puffy arms and a rounded face.   Baby enjoyed First Wednesday last night with all the loud music.   Loving hearing Daddy play the drums!

We had a great trip in San Diego last weekend!  The Boyds did great on their 13.1 mile run.  I walked (and climbed...don't ask) down to the finish line about the time Bryan came in.  I made sure to cheer really loud.  (He didn't hear me, but oh well!)  He finished in 2 hours and 6 minutes, which was exciting because he surpassed his goal.  I can't wait to join them next time!

Really looking forward to this summer and really putting some thought into Baby and Mommy-hood.  My mind is ready to relax before this little bundle of adventure enters the world.  I can finally breathe again!

Love and hugs!

Friday, June 1, 2012

23 Weeks

Baby Boyd weighs one pound this week and what a better way to portray that than with a 1 pound bag of M&M's!  Don't you wish you had some right now?  This week Baby is feeling Mommy's movement (sorry for all the bouncing around) and can hear most things here on the outside.  The baby won't even be phased by Delilah's barking as Baby gets used to all the crazy noises out here.  We put headphones on my belly at night...Baby is reacting with some serious poppin' and lockin'.  This kid better have rhythm.

Baby’s progress: 23 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 8 lbs., but I'm sure I have gained more as a couple weeks have passed...
Food cravings: So I had some Ravioli for dinner at the Olive Garden.  That place is really not as great as when I was a kid.  The ravioli was not a winner.  Still looking for a good one...any suggestions on where to go?
Also, desserts as night are not as appealing.  All I want is watermelon!  It's so juicy and delicious!
Feeling nauseous? None
Symptoms of pregnancy: Big hits of tiredness randomly.  Noticed that I make noises when I get in the car.  I also need a bit more momentum when getting out of bed.  Rockin' and rollin' baby!  The magnetic force on my belly has also increased:  Many people put their hands on the belly to show the love...I don't mind at all.  No strangers involved yet.
Working out? Consistently loving it!  I wonder what people think when they see me running down the street...
Maternity clothes?: None.  A couple of my normal pants still button as well.
Mood: 6 more work days...what do you think?
Sleep: Sleeping great!
Movement: Moving more and more!  I still have to be pretty still to notice.  Baby gets energetic moments where the kicking is non stop.  It's a dance party in there!  We can even see the little one moving around from the outside of my belly.  
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week:I had a work Baby Shower last Thursday.  What kind and generous teacher friends I have!  Erica Rubin did a great job hosting the event in her cozy little classroom where we had snacks, good laughs, and great pieces of advice provided for this new Mommy.  Thanks everyone!  
Also, we got to show our parents our new house!  Planning has begun.
Changes during the week?: Still not a whole lot of changes.  This thing's easy!  
Miss anything from life before baby?: I don't like that I have restrictions on fish.  Not that I eat a lot of it, but every once in a while it will be a choice more than twice a week.  I really wish I could drink soda everyday since I cannot drink wine.  Oh yeah, and wine.  :)
Looking forward to:  San Diego this weekend!  Bryan and his parents will be running a half-marathon on Sunday morning.  Pray for health and stamina!  I was originally running with them until we found out we were pregnant.  I will sleep in and show support instead.  :)  GO TEAM BOYD!