Friday, June 8, 2012

24 Weeks

24 Weeks and all things are wonderful... It's the last day of school today at Challenger!  My Dad compares me to a little kid anxiously waiting for summer, counting down each minute on the clock, which is exactly how it is!  (Except I am a pregnant kid.)  Weird.  It has been a very challenging year for me to say the least.  I had to sacrifice many fun nights with friends (thank you all for not completely kicking me to the curb).  Bryan had to put up with teacher craziness and moods (thank you for continued support).  And I had to deal with 6 and 7-year-olds ALL DAY! :)  Those little stickers are the best.  Even the most difficult days were worth it to see them grow and mature into confident 2nd Graders.  They wrote me the sweetest notes in Computers the other day: "You are the best teacher", "You taught me the most ever", and "Hope your baby is good and big".   Maybe I really will miss them and all their funny perspectives as humans under 4 feet tall.  Room 210 and my 17 students: Thank YOU for a great year.

Baby Boyd seems to be doing great!  Not too many changes since last week.  An older gentleman at Starbucks the other day came up to me and said, "Yanno, you come in here every week and I never noticed you were pregnant.  When you turned to the side I thought, "Woah!  That girl's having a baby!""  I sure am!  Let's hope that only my tummy continues to grow.  No need for puffy arms and a rounded face.   Baby enjoyed First Wednesday last night with all the loud music.   Loving hearing Daddy play the drums!

We had a great trip in San Diego last weekend!  The Boyds did great on their 13.1 mile run.  I walked (and climbed...don't ask) down to the finish line about the time Bryan came in.  I made sure to cheer really loud.  (He didn't hear me, but oh well!)  He finished in 2 hours and 6 minutes, which was exciting because he surpassed his goal.  I can't wait to join them next time!

Really looking forward to this summer and really putting some thought into Baby and Mommy-hood.  My mind is ready to relax before this little bundle of adventure enters the world.  I can finally breathe again!

Love and hugs!

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