Wednesday, June 27, 2012

27 Weeks

Baby Boyd I feel you in there!  This kid likes to move around...I am feeling the baby a few times each hour now.  Along with that comes a sudden hit of Braxton-Hicks contractions all throughout the day.  They started a bit here and there last week, but this week I feel them several times a day.  It's crazy how tight my abdomen gets when this happens!  Wonder what Baby is thinking in there.  Another pregnancy symptom that I have found developing is overheating when I am getting ready.  Super hot shower, plus hot bathroom, plus bright and hot lights, plus hot hair tools, plus always moving quickly, PLUS pregnancy equals = Dizziness and light headedness.  When it happened the first time, I had to lay on the ground about every 2 minutes while getting ready.  (I wonder how ridiculous I looked.)  Now if it happens, I just take a 15 minute break and start again once my body temperature has gone down.  Really, it's nothing to complain about.  I am so fortunate that I have had the best time being pregnant so far!

Baby Boyd is about 2 pounds (like a cauliflower) and 14 1/2 inches long from head to toe. Baby is sleeping and waking at regular intervals, which explains the hourly movement.  Hiccups could be noticed now, but I don't think Baby has had any rhythms strong enough for Mommy to feel.  We had our glucose test on Wednesday morning.  3 hours of sitting in a waiting room was a bit uncomfortable, but we got it done.  We will get results soon (for gestational diabetes).  Funny thing: Almost every mother warned me about this orange juice concoction you have to drink (it is pure sugar water), about 10 ounces or so.  I was planning on plugging my nose to get through it, but after the first taste there was no fear.  That stuff was so good!  My dad called me a hummingbird...I really love my sugar.

Our friends the Maltbie's had their baby girl, Emery, Tuesday morning and we got to visit them that evening.  She is so unbelievably beautiful and I loved getting to hold her in my arms with a whole new perspective in mind.  It made Bryan and I that much more excited to meet our little bundle coming in September.  Emery is going to be a great play-date!  Also, our friends Josh and Karyss Bollen had their baby girl, Scarlett a couple days before in California.  Can't wait to meet her!  (Just a reminder, Karyss was the super gorgeous, super pregnant bridesmaid at my wedding 3 years ago.)  :)

Welcome Babies!

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