Thursday, June 21, 2012

26 Weeks

At 26 weeks, this baby is about 14 inches long weighing in at 1 2/3 pounds.  Baby Boyd's ears have developed tremendously.  Baby can hear all of us talking out here and has begun to recognize my voice the most.  I look forward to this creating a bond between the two of us.  One very exciting thing about this growth is the movement increase.  Baby Boyd likes to wiggle!  Each day, movement is increasing more and more...this makes Mommy very happy!  Still feeling great too!  There are a few moments here and there where I feel more pregnant than others (heat sensitive, back pain, sitting up).  Most of the time, the only reminders of pregnancy are my big belly and itty-bitty baby kicking.

We just got back from New Mexico and it was so much fun!  The best part was to see all of my family members.  They were all really excited to see my bump and it's always great to catch up and visit.  This baby has been forced to love green and red chile.  We ate sooo much of it while we were there!  Bryan's parents now have an idea of what our favorite restaurants are like.  While in Santa Fe, I got a "Mommy Massage".  Not your typical massage laying on my side with pillows surrounding me (due to belly enlargement).  It still felt awesome and was a great time to relax!

Funny Big Belly Story: I was laying out by my parents' pool today by myself and decided to lay on the raft.  (This is the only way I can lay on my stomach so the back of my body can get some sun too!)  I began to get on and failed on the first attempt due to this popping bump that my child resides in.  I pulled the raft back and fell off again.  By the way, Delilah was standing at the edge of the pool with a very concerned look on her face the entire time.  After a couple more tries and laughing at myself (out loud) I successfully made it on the raft.  Later on, when I came inside, Demi let me know that her and my Dad were watching the entire raft challenge from inside.  She mentioned that they even saw me laughing at myself.  Pregnancy=Balance issues.

Hope you can stay on your raft this week!

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