Thursday, June 14, 2012

25 Weeks

25 Weeks is starting to sound far along!  Baby Boyd is about 13.5 inches long, weighing about a pound and a half.   The baby is starting to gain some fat on its body to help give it its shape, along with hair color.  I think Baby has noticed the change in schedule and is showing its excitement for summer by moving around more!  We have been having great mornings with Bible time, running/walking/lifting, reading of baby books and casual summer reading, laying out by the pool, and whatever else pops up during the day.  It's been great to say "yes" to many more opportunities.  This week has been so glad there are many more.

We (The Boyd's and I) leave for Albuquerque today, so please pray for safe travels.  Excited to see family and friends and to eat, and eat...and eat some more.  This baby will themselves some green and red chile!

Baby’s progress: 25 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 9 lbs.  I only gained one pound the last four weeks!  Concerned, I asked my doctor if I am healthy, and she said I am still growing fine at this point.
Food cravings: Still nothing that I would consider a CRAVING (as in "Oh my gosh, I will knock you out of your chair for that").  I DID get to have my grilled cheese.  It was ultimately perfect: 3 kinds of cheeses on buttered grilled bread.  Horribly delicious for me. :)  I could eat a whole watermelon everyday.  
Feeling nauseous? No
Symptoms of pregnancy: My belly button is starting to stick out.  It doesn't look like it, but when you rub my belly you can feel the change happening.  Acne also has been keeping me company. 
Maternity clothes?: None.  Just a belly band with some pants that can't quite connect anymore.  
Mood: Summer...enough said!
Sleep: Sleeping great!
MovementMovement has exponentially been increasing everyday during different times of the day as well. Baby likes to hang out on my right side the most. 
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: Each day has brought a more relaxed state to myself!  Mom and I went out and about Tuesday for furniture scoping.  Wednesday night was also a blast at my friend Erin Wiley's (soon to be Elliot) Bachelorette Party.  Always a good time to dress up and hang with the ladies.  
Changes during the week?: Creating a new stress-free summer routine is something I am very thankful for.  (And I am still getting paid!)
Miss anything from life before baby?: Sodas (more often), wine, Splenda, and caffeine at the times I need it.
Looking forward to: Albuquerque!  It will be great to see everyone and eat all my favorite things.  Dion's...Sadie's...Green chile on everything...YES please!

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