Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 37 Weeks

Baby Boyd is over 6 pounds and 19 inches or so long.  These numbers sound like a baby that is done to me!  With only a few weeks (or days!) left, Baby is making its finishing touches while Mommy, Daddy, and Lyric wait in anticipation.

Baby’s progress: 37 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy:  Still at 19 pounds
Food cravings: Food has not been of interest to me this past week.  Haven't been hungry, but for Baby's sake I eat as often as I can.  
Symptoms of pregnancy: This week has been the start of some definite changes!  Woke up one morning with cramping, which really scared me since Bryan was out of town for a few days. Contractions are beginning to be mildly painful (still random).  I have to sway when I am standing because it feels like I may pass out.  Not quite feeling myself for sure.  This makes me excited though, because several symptoms of my last pregnancy compare to now at this point in time.  Baby is coming!
Working out: My first week off.  Since Bryan was leaving for the weekend, I didn't want to jump start my body into labor.  I made it through the weekend, so I may start some modified workouts again.  We'll see…this is my last chance to take advantage of  "I can't because I am pregnant." :)
Maternity clothes?: Just the 3 tanks that I have.  My current wardrobe selection has dwindled down…anything extra stretchy is a thumbs up.  
Mood: Excited!
Sleep: Not going so good.  I am getting up about every hour and a half now to go to the bathroom.  Probably doesn't help with all the water I drink, but I know that's super important for Baby and me.  It is also extremely difficult to get comfortable.    Can't lay on my back anymore. 
Movement: Constant
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: I had my last moments of alone time over the weekend while Lyric played with CeCe and Pops.  Tried to take advantage of relaxing, but with all these physical changes happening, it makes me anxious and excited that Baby is on its way!
Miss anything from life before baby?: Can I just have a glass of wine already??? :)  (I stole this from my last blog at 37 weeks.  Seems to match my current feelings.)
Looking forward to: Meeting one of the most important people in my life. (I also stole this line.  It's the perfect answer.)

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