Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 38 Weeks

Baby Boyd, when do you plan to join us?  I only got to 38 weeks and 2 days with Lyric...so I should be having the baby today. Really don't think this baby is coming right now. But hopefully sooner than my due date!  It's been a week with spicy foods, a massage, and longer runs. Still nothin'.  

Baby’s progress: 38 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy:  19 pounds (This is the most I gained with Lyric…my body been at this number for 3 weeks now.)
Food cravings: I have had a brownie box in my pantry for months.  Demi and James came over last night and baked them perfectly.  I had a couple...
Symptoms of pregnancy: I have continued to have some mild cramping and contractions, but they are all random and sporadic.  No big changes since last week, which kind of bums me out.  I am getting anxious to meet this little one!
Working out: Back at it!  I have ran an average of 1 mile everyday followed by a 1 mile walk to finish up the workout.  Feeling really good actually.  By the end of the run everything is really tight in my abdomen.  One day, I got a laugh from a biker when she passed by me. Wonder why??? 
Maternity clothes?: Continuing to search for stretchy clothing in the closet. 
Mood: Anxious
Sleep: It's getting more difficult.  Bathroom breaks and a bit of insomnia make for some non relaxing nights.  
Movement: Continuing to be crazy in there!
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: The moments with my family have been great.  Enjoying the time we still have as a family of 3.  
Miss anything from life before baby?: My freedom!  There are so many food/drink restrictions.  Plus, my body is getting pretty worn out from carrying such a load.
Looking forward to: A lot of babies this week!  I believe I will meet 3 new little humans of friends that are due.  (One of them is my nephew!) Could we possibly add one to the count?  Baby Boyd…this may be a good week since all your little friends are joining us!

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