Monday, August 18, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 39 Weeks

I've never been this pregnant before!  I thought all my babies are supposed to come at 38 weeks??  It's kind of driving me crazy.  Four family members or friends had their babies this week…really getting anxious now.

Baby Boyd is about 20 inches long and weighs over 7 pounds…the size of a mini watermelon.

Baby’s progress: 39 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy:   19 pounds (based on doctor's visit last week)
Food cravings: I have been enjoying Wheat Thins!  This is a cracker I would never buy, but I am taking advantage of the time I have left.  Fruit and cereal are must haves throughout the day.  
Symptoms of pregnancy: No big changes for the past couple weeks.  Contractions here and there…yadda, yadda, yadda.  I'm ready for some big changes!  
Working out: I've had a great running week!  Added some speed and distance.  Whatever it takes to get this baby going!  Also did stairs twice on Saturday: Up and down 20-30 times at a time.  I may look ridiculous running outside and climbing the stairs…but it doesn't bother me.  :) And apparently, it doesn't affect the baby coming sooner.  Do I need to sign up for a half marathon or what?!
Maternity clothes?: I'm really ready for regular clothes again.  I feel like I have 3 things to wear for the week.
Mood: Anxious…let's go baby!
Sleep: Not too restful.  Bathroom breaks and a bit of insomnia make for some non relaxing nights.  
Movement: All the time
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: I went back to work.  It was great to see the kiddos!  Bryan and I had our "last date night" (we've said that 2 times now) which included yummy Mexican food.  Spicy food also does not do the trick.   
Miss anything from life before baby?: There's so many things.  I am trying to stay positive and remind myself that I will never be a Mommy to one again and that this life now is more mellow than it will be soon.
Looking forward to: Meeting our baby this* week!  *Emphasis on THIS.

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