Monday, August 25, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 40 Weeks I'm DUE!

Well, we've officially made it.  I'm due.  Where's the baby?!

At the beginning of the week, I found out that Doctor Lewis would be out of town until Monday (which is now today).  (She was running a marathon in Iceland…of course.  Ha!)  So maybe this was the reason for Baby holding on so long in there.  I've been praying specifically the past 2 weeks that my doctor would be there.  Looks like God had a reason for us going to term.  He's really good at knowing that kind of stuff.

Doctor said Baby dropped and I am slightly dilated.  She scheduled me an ultrasound for tomorrow just to make sure Baby is okay in there.  Praying that Baby comes on its own, because if not…I will have to schedule a C-section, which would devastate me.

Baby’s progress: 40 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy:  18 pounds.  Lost one, probably due to muscle loss.
Food cravings: Food hasn't been much of interest again.  Maybe because Baby Boyd takes up all of my stomach space.  My Mom told me to make a cake to get Baby out, so I've saved this task for this point in time.  Angel food cake for an angel baby. :)  The early release of the pumpkin spice latte is tomorrow!  Baby may have been waiting for this as well. 
Symptoms of pregnancy: A few more big contractions here and there...
Working out: Ran a few days this week with walking days in between.  Had my last (hopefully last) big run on Friday.  This baby is going to be used to bouncing for sure.  
Maternity clothes?: I still refuse.  I apologize for always having the same outfits on.  
Mood: Still anxious, but really trying to stay positive.  Soaking in all the kicks from Baby and last moments of pregnancy.  It still amazes me how God makes this all work.  
Sleep: Every couple nights gets worse. C'mon Baby!
Movement: As Baby grows so do the massive spins and powerful kicks.  
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes 
Looking forward to: Meeting our baby this* week!  *Emphasis on this…AGAIN.  

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