Sunday, August 31, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 41 Weeks

41 Weeks.  Really?!  This week has been emotionally and physically draining.  The waiting game has worn me down.  Good news: Baby is definitely on its way...but when?

Last Monday, Doctor said I hadn't progressed much.  "Barely dilated."  The next day, I went to an ultrasound to check on Baby.  All is great!  They estimated Baby to be 7 pounds, 14 ounces at that point.  Therefore, we are probably going to have an 8 pounder.  Went back to the ultrasound Friday, and Baby still looked good. Smooshed, but good.

Doctor and colleagues do not suggest that I go past 41 weeks.  Baby's risk of complications goes up and considering I have a C section scar, they are worried about rupture.  So, we scheduled a Cesarean for Monday at noon (September 1: Labor Day…ironic right?).  Praying that God would allow my body to deliver safely on its own...but trusting that if we reach operation time, there is a good reason.

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