Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Cade: 3 Months

Cade is no longer a newborn…(Enter Mommy crying).

At 3 months, this infant is absolutely wonderful.  He has such a predictability about him that makes for quick adjustments towards happiness.  Sure, he fusses and cries, but only for a particular reason, which most of the time is being tired.  He loves people and eye contact, enjoys interacting with all things around him, and shows curiosity through all his senses.

Cade has graduated to size 2 diapers and wears 3-month size clothing.  Several people mention how long he looks.

His sleep patterns continue to get better.  Between feedings he is up for up to 1.5 hours and naps around 1.5 hours.  Still sleeping more between feedings than being awake.  At night, he has his bedtime feeding at 8:30 p.m. and sleeps until 7:30 a.m. I give him a dream feed around 11 before I go to bed to maintain milk supply.  He sleeps the entire time.  Zzzzz…

If you want to get Cade to sleep: Watch for tired cues, swaddle him super tight, give him the paci and a few pats on the tush, then lay him down with soft blankets for him to snuggle his face into.

This is Cade squirming his way down the bed.  This happens every night.  Eventually he calls out for help. (He should be at the top of the bed with his head in the blanket.)

SIDE NOTE: My children love swaddles.  They. Are. Magical.  Bryan and I are determined to invent one that actually works 100% of the time.  Shark Tank, here we come.

His favorite activities include: Watching his sister be silly, interacting with people, reading books (not literally…yet), and bath time.  He actually enjoys tummy time as well.

He is obsessed with the ceiling fan.  On or off.  Just hold him under it, and it's full-on focus.

A great time to interact with him is while changing his diaper.

He rolled over from tummy to back this month (11 weeks).  Following in his sister's footsteps…or roll steps??

We had a great time visiting with Aunt Demi, Grandma Judy, and Grandpa Gerald for Thanksgiving.

We look forward to Christmas next month!  I think Cade has a good chance of receiving good gifts from Santa because this kid never pouts.  Happy early-birthday Jesus!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Cade: 2 Months

At 2-months-old, Cade continues to live his life with ease.  Which in turn, also makes life much easier for us!  I find myself hugging and kissing him constantly.  There's a definite different "feeling" with a son.

This boy is 23 inches long and weighs 11 pounds.  He's below average in both measurements, but is a very healthy baby.  Out of newborn clothes and into size 3 months.

It's only been 2 months and it is amazing to watch all the exciting changes happening.  Cade is much more alert.  His senses are in high gear as he listens, watches, and feels the world around him.  He is such a happy baby!  His favorite activity thus far is looking right in your eyes and chatting with you.  Also, he shows great independence when being placed on the rug or his bouncy seat.

I prayed for a better sleeper and I think we got one.  He is awake for about an hour and naps 1.5 to 2 hours.  He enjoys his bed and isn't too difficult to get back to sleep if he gets startled mid-nap.  At night he wakes up once for a feeding.  Good news: He went 8 hours between feedings 2 nights in a row.  Yes, we are getting closer to a full nights rest!  Big Praise!

He likes being swaddled during sleep times with sound (white noise) and a paci.

Cade is really starting to use his voice and the smiles are endless.  Like his big sister at this age, his most common phrase is "ahh-goo".

Cade saying, "Ahh-goo".

No excessive spitting up.  More praise!

A couple favorite activities include: Bath time and interacting with his sister.  He thinks she's pretty great!  (Besides the moments that she lays on him and puts her crazy curly hair in his face).

Halloween was pretty mellow for this 2-month-old.  He hung out in the stroller and a few family members arms as we walked the block for trick-or-treating.

Looking forward to Thanksgiving and spending time with family.  Everyone enjoys his mellow demeanor.  Most common way that people describe him: "Easy-going".

Cade makes my job easy as his Mommy.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Lyric: 2-Years-Old

Lyric is 2!

Lyric is one-of-a-kind.  Her unique personality makes all of us laugh and the story-telling of Lyric is endless.

This girl is a leader with spunk and confidence.  She is independent, intelligent, strong-willed, and careful.  Since she was an infant, she would not just throw out smiles…this is still true today.  After about a 10 minute warm-up with people, her true self is revealed and she fills the room with joy and silliness.

This is one of my favorite photos of Lyric.  It represents the blue steel face you get when first meeting her.  This look is classic Lyric.  

This two-year-old talks up a storm.  When people first meet her they ask, "Can she talk yet?"  Ha!  She is just very selective of whom she chooses to speak to.  She understands what you say to her 95% of the time and speaks pretty clearly back to whomever she is speaking to.  Some funny phrases she has picked up on include: "Oh my gaaaawwwsh!", "That's amazing!", and "How are you?".  She also loves to sing.  I would guess that she knows close to 20 songs on her own.

She has begun to enjoy movies, shows, iPhones, and iPads.  We use them sparingly, so when an opportunity arises…she gets super excited!

Lyric has a great bedtime routine and goes down well at night.  She has figured out the top versus the bottom of her bed, which is great prep for a big girl bed in the future.  Her head stays on her pillow and she likes to be completely (and I mean completely!) covered from her neck all the way down to her tippy toes.

Mealtime is hit and miss.  She likes basic foods like yogurt, fruits, veggies, cheese, and bread.  Snack time is a favorite!

Her social skills are selective, like mentioned before.  We are in the trenches with the idea of sharing and claiming items.  (Let's hope we get out of this struggle soon!) Lyric usually wants to play with the older kids in the room.

Favorite activities include coloring and playing outside.  She loves to draw circles and use lots of colors.  As for outside…the open space really allows her to be free.  She runs fast and demands you keep up.

Disneyland this summer was magical! Lyric loved walking around and saying hello to all the characters.  She also enjoyed visiting the beach and building sand castles.

Lyric as a big sister: Growth and Development.  Each day she gives more kisses and hugs.  She knows Cade is her brother.  Does she really take pride in that?  Nope.  Not yet.

(Yes, those are blue medical gloves.  It was the fave toy at the hospital.)
Birthday celebrations were exciting for Lyric!  She got a family party with presents and cupcakes.  Bryan and I celebrated her ALL day on the day of her birthday with balloons, presents, pancakes, splash pads, chocolate milk (with added whip cream this time!), and exploring an indoor play land.

Her actual birthday party was a hit!  10 minutes before the party (the OUTDOOR party), a monsoon hit with strong winds and heavy rain.  Grrrreat.  It eventually died down and the kiddos jumped in the bounce house all night. It was Crayola themed since Lyric loves to color.  Lyric couldn't of been happier to have all the people she loved around her.

This year we look forward to more laughs, no diapers, great conversations, less whining, and cemented memories that plant themselves as stories to tell forever.

Lyric, you are beautiful and you are immensely loved.  

Friday, October 3, 2014

Cade: 1 Month

Cade is 1-month-old!  Time is flying by.  Each minute is very well cherished.

At Cade's last appointment, he weighed in at 9 pounds 3 ounces.  He's got to be close to 10 pounds by now.  He also grew a couple inches since birth, now at 22 inches long.  Percentile-wise…he is right on track.

Cade loves to chat!  He gets so excited when he hears his own voice.  I am pretty sure he is starting to recognize voices and faces.

Since we got him, he has been a good sleeper. Let's hope it stays that way!  He'll get his last feeding around 11 p.m. and sleep for 4-5 hours straight.  After a middle-of-the-night snack, he will wake back up around 3 hours later.  Almost to only 1 overnight feeding!

Sleeping in our room until next week.

He sleeps in a swaddle and likes to be wrapped super tight. He also enjoys laying on his side. Especially snuggled up close to you.

Still in newborn diapers.  About to run out, so I will probably just put him in 1's.  Also wearing newborn sized clothing.

We use noise when he sleeps and he uses a paci to calm himself to sleep during the day.

So far, Cade seems to be an easier baby than Lyric.  Is it because I've done this before or do we have a more calm and relaxed baby?  We will soon see as all his habits begin to develop.

Looking forward to watching this little man grow.  Wishing time would slow down already.

So thankful for Jasmyn and her incredible talent in capturing such precious moments of Cade.  She took all individual pictures of Cade on my kitchen floor!  She's not only an amazing photographer, but a baby whisperer.   Visit "Photography by Jasmyn Marie" or follow her @jasmynmarie. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Welcome Cade!

SET UP: With a previous Cesarean, Bryan and I decided that we would go for a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean).  Many doctors and hospitals will not allow for this procedure due to high risk.  After extensive research, we still wanted to try. Doctor Lewis (and our hospital) would allow for the attempt.  Yay!

40 Weeks on Due Date: No Baby

40 Weeks, 5 Days: Contractions through the middle of the night.  This could be it.  No Baby.

40 Weeks, 6 Days: Wake up with contractions.  Feel it out.  No Baby.

41 Weeks: Wake up Sunday morning at 5 a.m. with 6 out of 10 pain level contractions.  Let’s see how this day goes.  Contractions continue throughout the morning and afternoon 10-15 minutes apart.  (The kind of contractions that you have to stop talking through but are still manageable.)  Around dinner time, contractions start to become more intense and closer together.  As close as 4-5 minutes.  Could this really be it? 

SIDE NOTE: My Cesarean had been scheduled for the following morning on September 1, Labor Day, at noon.  

If this was really, really the start of labor, I had a chance to deliver naturally.  And with contractions this intense and close together...this was it for sure.

The night continued and my contractions spread apart.  They kept me up all night due to high pain level, but left me hopeless since they were not progressing.  Looked like there was no way out of the Cesarean.  We got to the hospital a little earlier than what our procedure was scheduled for just to see if we had a chance to avoid surgery based on what the nurses and doctors said.  

My first evaluation: 3 centimeters dilated, 80 % effaced.  Phew!  What a relief.  (The week prior, I wasn’t even a 1 and there was no signs of my cervix being ready for a baby.)

They would continue to check me every couple hours for progression.  Our goal: a centimeter an hour.  The contractions still weren’t close enough together for an epidural.  When finding out I was moving along slower than they’d like, we decided to break my water.  

SIDE NOTE: Breaking my water was a terrifying (and I mean terrifying) thought considering that once my water broke with my previous pregnancy, it left me in deathly pain.

11 a.m.  A doctor came in to break my water.  Nice guy, extremely painful procedure.  But at least it was one step closer to having our baby.  Contractions became slightly more intense and a minute or two closer...but NOTHING that I expected.  I thought I would be in serious pain every 2-3 minutes.  It was more like every 6-7 minutes. 

Doctor Lewis came in around 2 p.m. to check in on me.  I was now at 5 centimeters. She thought everything was progressing normally and not to worry.  When I asked her about when to get the epidural, she replied, “When you start having pain.”  Ummm, okay...I wish I would have known that sooner!  In fear of the epidural slowing things down, she thought the opposite would happen.  Her guess would be that the epidural would allow my body to stop fighting the contractions and relax a bit.  

2:30 p.m.: Got the epidural.  Felt it effects within minutes and began to enjoy not being in pain.  My family came back in the room the check on me when they started to notice my contractions coming in HUGE every 3 minutes or so.  I didn’t feel a thing!  Yay!  Finally we were getting closer to Baby coming.  And without Cesarean.  

When Doctor Lewis came back to check me a few hours later, I had only progressed to 6 centimeters, which disappointed everybody.  She said I still had nothing to worry about because other signs of labor were showing up.  She ordered the nurses to turn me from side to side every 30 minutes in order to move Baby’s head down the birth canal.  

8 p.m.: As the night continued, my contractions slowed down a bit.  Another disappointing sigh.  And I was staying at a 6.  Siiiiigh.  My nurse spoke to Doctor Lewis who said she wasn’t liking the situation.  Since my water had been broke for several hours, I was now risking infection.  I was ordered an antibiotic for that.  Then, Doctor Lewis suggested we start a small amount of Pitocin to get my contractions closer together.  If this didn’t work, a Cesarean was going to happen.  I felt like I was running out of time.  

SIDE NOTE: Pitocin is not recommended for VBACs because it could increase the chance for the uterus to rupture.  Doctor Lewis really doesn’t like having to use it, but thought maybe just a small bump could speed things up.

My family came back in the room and I suggested we pray immediately to reach that 10 centimeters.  
Please Lord.  You have gotten us to this point and we have been anticipating this all day.  We got past our scheduled Cesarean.  Please don't end the story on an operating table.  

After we all prayed, the boys went downstairs for a bit to figure out where we were putting Lyric for the night. (It had been a long day for her. No nap.  Lots of snacks.  Lots of waiting around.)  Demi and James went to grab some food.  Mom and Cary stayed in the room to keep me company.

8:30 p.m.: My nurse came back in with my antibiotic and Pitocin.  She also came in with another nurse.  “I am going to have this nurse check you to see where you’re at.  I have told her nothing ahead of time.”  The new nurse checked me and replied, 
“The head is right here.  Your cervix is completely clear.  You ready to have a baby?!!!”

30 minutes from a 6 to a 10…I was shocked!  Mom and Cary couldn’t believe the news and called the boys back up because we were having a baby…like NOW!  “Get my husband back up here!”  

The emotional news had me shaking.  Literally.  My entire body was shaking immensely because I was so excited.  Bryan joined me and began gearing up for the delivery. Hospital staff got the room ready. Doctor Lewis got there pretty quickly.  And suddenly it was time.  Bryan and I were going to have a baby.

Within 3 contractions and about 3 pushes per contraction, Baby entered the world.  Doctor Lewis placed Baby on my belly and the first thing I did was look at Baby’s face to see if they were breathing.  Then, my eyes shot down to see who this baby was.  BOY!  
9:19 p.m.
7 pounds 1 oz
20 inches long
Welcome to the world Cade.

God sure did push us to the very end.  He required trust and truly made us earn it.  We had to trust hundreds of time over and over again.  From the moments of anticipation when the baby was full term at 37 weeks.  To the last hours of Labor Day…41 weeks and 1 day. 

Cade is here and he is perfect.  My “stubborn” child gave us a wonderful trust story.  Thank you God for teaching us to never give up on You.  

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 41 Weeks

41 Weeks.  Really?!  This week has been emotionally and physically draining.  The waiting game has worn me down.  Good news: Baby is definitely on its way...but when?

Last Monday, Doctor said I hadn't progressed much.  "Barely dilated."  The next day, I went to an ultrasound to check on Baby.  All is great!  They estimated Baby to be 7 pounds, 14 ounces at that point.  Therefore, we are probably going to have an 8 pounder.  Went back to the ultrasound Friday, and Baby still looked good. Smooshed, but good.

Doctor and colleagues do not suggest that I go past 41 weeks.  Baby's risk of complications goes up and considering I have a C section scar, they are worried about rupture.  So, we scheduled a Cesarean for Monday at noon (September 1: Labor Day…ironic right?).  Praying that God would allow my body to deliver safely on its own...but trusting that if we reach operation time, there is a good reason.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 40 Weeks I'm DUE!

Well, we've officially made it.  I'm due.  Where's the baby?!

At the beginning of the week, I found out that Doctor Lewis would be out of town until Monday (which is now today).  (She was running a marathon in Iceland…of course.  Ha!)  So maybe this was the reason for Baby holding on so long in there.  I've been praying specifically the past 2 weeks that my doctor would be there.  Looks like God had a reason for us going to term.  He's really good at knowing that kind of stuff.

Doctor said Baby dropped and I am slightly dilated.  She scheduled me an ultrasound for tomorrow just to make sure Baby is okay in there.  Praying that Baby comes on its own, because if not…I will have to schedule a C-section, which would devastate me.

Baby’s progress: 40 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy:  18 pounds.  Lost one, probably due to muscle loss.
Food cravings: Food hasn't been much of interest again.  Maybe because Baby Boyd takes up all of my stomach space.  My Mom told me to make a cake to get Baby out, so I've saved this task for this point in time.  Angel food cake for an angel baby. :)  The early release of the pumpkin spice latte is tomorrow!  Baby may have been waiting for this as well. 
Symptoms of pregnancy: A few more big contractions here and there...
Working out: Ran a few days this week with walking days in between.  Had my last (hopefully last) big run on Friday.  This baby is going to be used to bouncing for sure.  
Maternity clothes?: I still refuse.  I apologize for always having the same outfits on.  
Mood: Still anxious, but really trying to stay positive.  Soaking in all the kicks from Baby and last moments of pregnancy.  It still amazes me how God makes this all work.  
Sleep: Every couple nights gets worse. C'mon Baby!
Movement: As Baby grows so do the massive spins and powerful kicks.  
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes 
Looking forward to: Meeting our baby this* week!  *Emphasis on this…AGAIN.  

Monday, August 18, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 39 Weeks

I've never been this pregnant before!  I thought all my babies are supposed to come at 38 weeks??  It's kind of driving me crazy.  Four family members or friends had their babies this week…really getting anxious now.

Baby Boyd is about 20 inches long and weighs over 7 pounds…the size of a mini watermelon.

Baby’s progress: 39 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy:   19 pounds (based on doctor's visit last week)
Food cravings: I have been enjoying Wheat Thins!  This is a cracker I would never buy, but I am taking advantage of the time I have left.  Fruit and cereal are must haves throughout the day.  
Symptoms of pregnancy: No big changes for the past couple weeks.  Contractions here and there…yadda, yadda, yadda.  I'm ready for some big changes!  
Working out: I've had a great running week!  Added some speed and distance.  Whatever it takes to get this baby going!  Also did stairs twice on Saturday: Up and down 20-30 times at a time.  I may look ridiculous running outside and climbing the stairs…but it doesn't bother me.  :) And apparently, it doesn't affect the baby coming sooner.  Do I need to sign up for a half marathon or what?!
Maternity clothes?: I'm really ready for regular clothes again.  I feel like I have 3 things to wear for the week.
Mood: Anxious…let's go baby!
Sleep: Not too restful.  Bathroom breaks and a bit of insomnia make for some non relaxing nights.  
Movement: All the time
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: I went back to work.  It was great to see the kiddos!  Bryan and I had our "last date night" (we've said that 2 times now) which included yummy Mexican food.  Spicy food also does not do the trick.   
Miss anything from life before baby?: There's so many things.  I am trying to stay positive and remind myself that I will never be a Mommy to one again and that this life now is more mellow than it will be soon.
Looking forward to: Meeting our baby this* week!  *Emphasis on THIS.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 38 Weeks

Baby Boyd, when do you plan to join us?  I only got to 38 weeks and 2 days with I should be having the baby today. Really don't think this baby is coming right now. But hopefully sooner than my due date!  It's been a week with spicy foods, a massage, and longer runs. Still nothin'.  

Baby’s progress: 38 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy:  19 pounds (This is the most I gained with Lyric…my body been at this number for 3 weeks now.)
Food cravings: I have had a brownie box in my pantry for months.  Demi and James came over last night and baked them perfectly.  I had a couple...
Symptoms of pregnancy: I have continued to have some mild cramping and contractions, but they are all random and sporadic.  No big changes since last week, which kind of bums me out.  I am getting anxious to meet this little one!
Working out: Back at it!  I have ran an average of 1 mile everyday followed by a 1 mile walk to finish up the workout.  Feeling really good actually.  By the end of the run everything is really tight in my abdomen.  One day, I got a laugh from a biker when she passed by me. Wonder why??? 
Maternity clothes?: Continuing to search for stretchy clothing in the closet. 
Mood: Anxious
Sleep: It's getting more difficult.  Bathroom breaks and a bit of insomnia make for some non relaxing nights.  
Movement: Continuing to be crazy in there!
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: The moments with my family have been great.  Enjoying the time we still have as a family of 3.  
Miss anything from life before baby?: My freedom!  There are so many food/drink restrictions.  Plus, my body is getting pretty worn out from carrying such a load.
Looking forward to: A lot of babies this week!  I believe I will meet 3 new little humans of friends that are due.  (One of them is my nephew!) Could we possibly add one to the count?  Baby Boyd…this may be a good week since all your little friends are joining us!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 37 Weeks

Baby Boyd is over 6 pounds and 19 inches or so long.  These numbers sound like a baby that is done to me!  With only a few weeks (or days!) left, Baby is making its finishing touches while Mommy, Daddy, and Lyric wait in anticipation.

Baby’s progress: 37 weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy:  Still at 19 pounds
Food cravings: Food has not been of interest to me this past week.  Haven't been hungry, but for Baby's sake I eat as often as I can.  
Symptoms of pregnancy: This week has been the start of some definite changes!  Woke up one morning with cramping, which really scared me since Bryan was out of town for a few days. Contractions are beginning to be mildly painful (still random).  I have to sway when I am standing because it feels like I may pass out.  Not quite feeling myself for sure.  This makes me excited though, because several symptoms of my last pregnancy compare to now at this point in time.  Baby is coming!
Working out: My first week off.  Since Bryan was leaving for the weekend, I didn't want to jump start my body into labor.  I made it through the weekend, so I may start some modified workouts again.  We'll see…this is my last chance to take advantage of  "I can't because I am pregnant." :)
Maternity clothes?: Just the 3 tanks that I have.  My current wardrobe selection has dwindled down…anything extra stretchy is a thumbs up.  
Mood: Excited!
Sleep: Not going so good.  I am getting up about every hour and a half now to go to the bathroom.  Probably doesn't help with all the water I drink, but I know that's super important for Baby and me.  It is also extremely difficult to get comfortable.    Can't lay on my back anymore. 
Movement: Constant
Stretch marks?: No
Wedding ring on? Yes
Best moment of the week: I had my last moments of alone time over the weekend while Lyric played with CeCe and Pops.  Tried to take advantage of relaxing, but with all these physical changes happening, it makes me anxious and excited that Baby is on its way!
Miss anything from life before baby?: Can I just have a glass of wine already??? :)  (I stole this from my last blog at 37 weeks.  Seems to match my current feelings.)
Looking forward to: Meeting one of the most important people in my life. (I also stole this line.  It's the perfect answer.)

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 36 Weeks

Baby is LOCKED AND LOADED!  This is exactly what Doctor Lewis said around this time my last pregnancy.  Basically, Baby Boyd is sitting head down in the birth canal, pushing right against my cervix.

"I feel bad for your bladder.  Baby has completely taken over its spot in your body," Dr. Lewis says.  And continues, "It could be anytime now.  Call me!"

For this go round, we are in the safe zone.  After 36 weeks, baby is done with all basic development…just weight gain at this point.

Baby’s progress: 36 Weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy:  19 pounds
Food cravings: Since I really don't have cravings…I am going to gift myself with a final preggo meal of choice.  Yanno, something without a whole lot of nutritional value.  A friend of mine with almost the same due date allowed herself some decadent French toast.  Yes, this sounds like a good plan to me.  :)
Symptoms of pregnancy: Still getting stuck on me before bed at times.  
Working out: Things are changing.  My last official run was last Saturday. (I'm serious this time!)  Baby has moved down and that causes discomfort.  Still fit in some walking and Insanity (modified).  Had a great "last chance workout" this Saturday at the gym.  Feeling sore from it, which makes me feel great!  No pain, no gain right?  I think I will give my body a rest these last few weeks.  
Mood: Feeling more pregnant each day, but still enjoying the last bit of it as much as I can. 
Sleep:  Actually still great.  I think I am so worn out each day, that this baby stands no chance of keeping me up.  Baby Boyd will have it's opportunity to take away my sleep when he/she decides to come on out.  
Movement: Somersaults right now as I type.  (The serious Cirque de Soleil kind of flips)
Best moment of the week: I haven't been working the past couple weeks because the family I work for is vacationing this month.  Lyric and I have had a good time bonding with summer activities.  Pool time has been a lot of fun!
How is being pregnant with Lyric around? People keep asking me if she knows that there is really a baby in my belly and that it's her brother/sister.  I think she has NO idea what's about to go down.  And she still gives me no slack as a pregnant woman.  I'm her Mommy (who dances, runs, jumps, etc.) and that's that.  
Looking forward to: Finishing up the nursery this week (for all that we can do for gender neutrality). Also, gearing up for everything baby in my house again.  This little one will be here before we know it!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 35 Weeks

NOTE: Yes, I have the same dress on as last week.  I only have a couple week's worth of clothes that still look presentable. :)

Baby is almost done cooking!  Running out of space at 5 1/4 pounds and over 18 inches long, Baby is probably having a tough time performing somersaults.  But this baby is not giving up.  I feel some serious movement throughout the day!

I may be at the end of running.  :( Pain presents itself afterwards and I don't know if it's worth the suffering.  I will give it one more week to see how it goes.

Lyric and I celebrated little Quinn's 4th birthday this week at a local water park.  I was worried about being outside in the heat (and with a ginormous belly!) but the kid area was the perfect spot for a toddler and 8 month pregnant mommy.

On Sunday, my amazing friends hosted my Baby Shower. It was absolutely wonderful!  I am so thankful for women in my life to share big and small moments with.

Thank you everyone for coming!  I am overwhelmed with joy.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 34 Weeks

Baby Boyd is 4 3/4 pounds (the size of a cantaloupe) and is 18 inches long. (Lyric came out 19.5 inches so we'll see how long this baby is at delivery.)

Baby’s progress: 34 Weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy: 19 pounds
Food cravings: A sandwich always sounds delicious (because I LOVE mustard!). Anything with peanut butter too, please. On vacation, green vegetables were scarce during meals so we stopped for super green juice everyday to make up for the insufficiency. My body loves that kind of stuff!
Symptoms of pregnancy: My wedding ring doesn't always want to come off at night.  I also had some feet swelling after the drive to California.
Working out: Still movin'! Ran today. I'm not as fast and I need some walking breaks here and there. Feeling good about my body.
Mood: Overall I am great!
Sleep:  I am so thankful for my bed. I have slept in some hotel beds the past couple weeks and really had a hard time getting comfortable. 
Movement: This kid feels like they are trying to get out sometimes. Crazy kicking and punching. 
Best moment of the week: California was a blast!  We went to the beach every day and enjoyed our time as a family. Lots of junk food, late nights, and lazy mornings. 
How is being pregnant with Lyric around? She's busy but allows me to sit from time to time. Having Bryan around to jump and run around with her has been very helpful. 
Looking forward to: Getting the nursery ready. We have everything planned out. Can't wait to see it all come together!

Baby Boyd 2: 33 Weeks

I documented the list of a few of my favorite things last pregnancy at 33 weeks. Thought it would be interesting to do it again:

Some similarities include Greek yogurt, summer fruit, and cereal.  Items on a menu that always sound good include anything with mustard for savory and peanut butter for sweet.  

Fourth of July was a blast! With a rainstorms popping up here and there, it cooled the air down enough to enjoy time outside. Good family. Good food. Good times. 

We are looking forward to a fun time in California this week!  Last trip before Baby Boyd joins us. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Baby Boyd 2: 32 Weeks

Baby Boyd is over 3 pounds and is close to 17 inches long. The next weeks will include chubbing up and gaining weight pretty rapidly. (Hopefully these stats are just about the baby!)

Baby’s progress: 32 Weeks
Total weight gain for Mommy:  16 pounds
Food cravings: I finally got to try the super potato from Jason's Deli! I wanted one my last pregnancy, but never got around to it. A friend told me you can order a "light" version so to make myself feel less guilty, I went for that. To my surprise, when I brought it home I found one of the biggest potatoes I have ever seen. Seriously, what is wrong with the portion sizes in this country?!  The size did not stop me from enjoying this tasty load of cheese and white potato carbs. (In my opinion, there was too much cheese. Glad to have tried it, but won't be getting one again.)  
I actually haven't been very hungry lately. Feeling like I need to take advantage of some more unhealthy indulgences before I don't have an excuse anymore!
Symptoms of pregnancy: Some body aches and pains here and there. Braxton hicks pretty often. 
Working out: 5 days a week of running and/or Insanity. I was lent a video workout collection called T25 (from the company who did Insanity). It's much easier than Insanity, which is probably a good thing considering I am 8 months pregnant. 
Mood: Good!  I feel less motivated to get things done. 
Sleep:  Continuing well. I have even taken a couple naps. :)
Movement: Continous 
Best moment of the week: I had a great relaxing weekend while Bryan was away at church camp. His parents offered to take Lyric for a couple nights. While I missed my little stinker, it was great to stop. This may be my last chance before Baby. 
How is being pregnant with Lyric around? She's been a great little companion. Sometimes I wonder if it is at all possible to love another human being the way I love her. 
Looking forward to: Getting Bryan back home. Fourth of July! And a small little Cali getaway.